3 fruit

Posted: November 23, 2010 in Uncategorized

color wheel

Posted: November 23, 2010 in Activity Log, Reference

art rage colour wheel

watercolor still life

Posted: November 15, 2010 in Homework, Reference

two point perspective

Posted: November 2, 2010 in Uncategorized

one point perspective

Posted: October 26, 2010 in Uncategorized


Chapel drawing

Posted: October 9, 2010 in Activity Log

This is my drawing in the chapel. I focused on tiny details in this drawing, and drew the incredibly beautiful figure in the church

1 point perspective examples

Posted: October 5, 2010 in Reference

Third example of 1 point perspective

                                                                   First Example      

These are my examples of one point perspective. As you can see to the left, the artists vanishing point is through the window. The first picture’s vanishing point is down the road. The second picture’s vanishing point is also down the road

Pen and Ink

Posted: October 4, 2010 in Activity Log

painting in progress

This is my final image in my painting with pen and inkmy painting in progress

My start

Still Life

Posted: September 8, 2010 in Activity Log

This is my still life drawing. We were first supposed to create a quick sketch that took about 5 minutes, just to get a general idea of where everything was in relation to it’s surroundings. When I did my quick sketch, my candle was too far to the right in comparison to the glass bottle, so in my final copy I corrected that. We then used the different pencils to get the right shading. I used the darkest pencil for the box and the bottle. The lightest was the cup in front


Posted: August 25, 2010 in Homework, Uncategorized

1. I chose this leaf becausse i like the shape of it. It has perfect edges, and really stands out, making it look like it is floating above the ground

2. I chose the second one because i like the colors. I like the way the red stands out against the black.

3. THe last one is cool too, because of the the colors. I like how the red turns to orange, which turns to green. This shows the changing seasons.