Archive for the ‘Activity Log’ Category

color wheel

Posted: November 23, 2010 in Activity Log, Reference

art rage colour wheel

Chapel drawing

Posted: October 9, 2010 in Activity Log

This is my drawing in the chapel. I focused on tiny details in this drawing, and drew the incredibly beautiful figure in the church

Pen and Ink

Posted: October 4, 2010 in Activity Log

painting in progress

This is my final image in my painting with pen and inkmy painting in progress

My start

Still Life

Posted: September 8, 2010 in Activity Log

This is my still life drawing. We were first supposed to create a quick sketch that took about 5 minutes, just to get a general idea of where everything was in relation to it’s surroundings. When I did my quick sketch, my candle was too far to the right in comparison to the glass bottle, so in my final copy I corrected that. We then used the different pencils to get the right shading. I used the darkest pencil for the box and the bottle. The lightest was the cup in front